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This repository contains example models and notebooks to get started with the benchmark toolkit. The examples models are found in the models/ folder, and the example notebooks are in the notebooks/ folder.

Folder Structure

The repository follows this structure:

├── data
│   └── electricity-demand          <- Electricity demand dataset.
│       ├── demand.parquet          <- Demand data subset.
│       ├── metadata.parquet        <- Metadata subset.
│       └── weather.parquet         <- Weather data subset.
├── models                          <- Example models each in its own subfolder.
│   ├── sf-naive-seasonal           <- Naive seasonal model based on statsforecast package.
│   │   ├── src                     <- Source code for the model.
│   │   │   └──             <- Entrypoint for the forecast server.
│   ├── Dockerfile                  <- Example Dockerfile for the model. 
│   └── requirements.txt            <- Model's requirements.
├── notebooks                       <- Jupyter notebooks, should be read in order.
│   ├── 01. Univariate.ipynb        <- Simple univariate forecast model benchmarking example.
│   ├── 02. Multivariate.ipynb      <- Multivariate forecast model benchmarking example.
│   └── 03. ForecastClient.ipynb    <- Benchmarking using the ForecastClient example.
└──                       <- The top-level README for getting started.


To contribute models to the benchmark, you need to have Docker installed. Follow the installation procedure for your platform on the docker website.

Getting Started

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd energy-forecast-benchmark-toolkit

Install the requirements (recommended inside a virtual environment):

pip install notebook enfobench

To run the notebooks, you also need the HuggingFace dataset EDS-lab/electricity-demand. Download all three files from the data/ folder into the data/electicity-demand/ folder of this repository.

Run the example notebooks in the notebooks folder.

Creating a Model

To create a model, use the models/sf-naive/ folder as a template. If you follow the folder structure, have a requirements.txt file, and all your source code is inside the src/ folder, there is generally no need to change the Dockerfile. Once your model is ready, you can build the docker image:

docker build -t tag-that-identifies-the-model ./path/to/the/folder/containing/the/Dockerfile

To run the Docker image:

docker run -p 3000:3000 tag-that-identifies-the-model

Then you can test your model by using the 03. ForecastClient.ipynb notebook.

Once the model is tested, push it to any public Docker registry (e.g., DockerHub). Contact us with the repository and model tag, and we will add it to the dashboard.